Annual conference of the Open Source Hardware User Group.
Get hands on with open source hardware with a day of cracking OSHcamp workshops.
A Celebration of Technology in Everyday Life, The Future, Hardware, Software… A wonderful mix of inspiring people and subjects.
This one day conference aims to help anyone who is in, or who wishes to start, an open source business.
A look at open data, the Internet of Things and the UK Smart Cities initiative, and what this means for Calderdale.
Exploring the future of public service provision and how councils, SMEs and individuals can work together.
A Free technology fair with demos and hands-on workshops, featuring a Restart Party (fix your broken appliances), laser cutting, TV sound mixing demonstrations, and much more!
35mins from Leeds & Manchester
Wuthering Bytes is a community event, so we need sponsors to help us make it happen
It's an amazing way for your business to help the community out (and you might just get a big hug).
If you'd like to find out more, please Get in touch for a chat
Join our mailing list and we'll keep you up to date with all the Wuthering Bytes news, and you'll get first dibs on tickets.